Worthman-Johnson Veterinary Anatomy Teaching Museum

The Worthman-Johnson Veterinary Anatomy Teaching Museum features a unique collection of anatomical specimens that provide an excellent learning resource for students and a valuable teaching and reference source for faculty. The museum, housed in McCoy Hall and maintained by Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience, is open to the public for both self- and staff-guided tours.


The museum is open to the public 1-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Staff-guided tours are available 2-4 p.m. Fridays.

Book a tour

Clubs and school groups interested in meeting with a staff member for a more intensive tour that includes insight on specific specimens can email VetAnatomyMuseum@wsu.edu.

Field trips

Field trips for students ages 9-15 can also be scheduled via appointment during WSU breaks (winter and spring breaks and the summer months). Field trips include a tour of the museum and hands-on activities to teach students about animal anatomy. Field trips usually last 90 minutes. Email VetAnatomyMuseum@wsu.edu for more information or scheduling.

The museum is named for Dr. Robert Worthman and Paul Johnson.  Collectively, they likely prepared 60-75% of the specimens in the current museum.