Anna Decan

Anna DeCann outside the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Class: 2026
Residency: Montana
At what campus did you start the program? Bozeman
Undergrad: Montana State University
Ambassador: 2023-2024

What are your main areas of interest in the field of veterinary medicine?

  • Mixed animal general practice
  • Wildlife medicine
  • Surgery
Anna with a small llama in an office.

Please list any clubs/organizations you are currently involved with:

  • Theriogenology Club
  • Agricultural Animal Club
  • Emergency/Critical Care Club

What do you think makes our program special or unique?

The programs focus of drawing in students from the Western states through the WIMU Regional program provides a very cohesive, yet diverse, group of students – where many different voices are heard and appreciated. Coming in as a second year from Montana, I was pleasantly surprised by the welcoming nature of not only the students but my professors as well.

I like living in Bozeman because:

I grew up in Montana and spent my undergraduate years at MSU Bozeman. Being offered the opportunity to continue on in Bozeman as a first year veterinary student provided me with a great deal of comfort. I was able to focus on figuring out life as a vet student without also having to balance the culture shock of a new city/state.

Did you have any issues transitioning from the Bozeman campus to Pullman?

No! The transition was fairly seamless. Luckily all of the other students were very welcoming and helpful when it came to questions about the university or Pullman. It can seem like a scary transition, but ultimately, you’re there to do the exact same things as at your initial campus – just with an added twist.