Undergraduate Education

Q&A with neuroscience student McKenna Spencer

McKenna Spencer is majoring in neuroscience and will graduate this spring. She hopes to get into medical school after she wraps up her undergraduate studies. She has gained experience working in Dr. Ryan McLaughlin’s Lab in the Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience department investigating the influence of sex hormones on cannabis-seeking behavior.

McKenna wearing Coug gear and standing outside VBR.

Q&A with neuroscience major Matteya Proctor

Only a handful of years ago Matteya Proctor was wrapping up her high school studies in her hometown of Deary, Idaho, where she was one of just 10 seniors in the class of 2020. Now at WSU, she is pursuing a double degree in neuroscience and psychology while gaining invaluable experience assisting in groundbreaking research projects on the brain, aging, and sleep.

Matteya in Cougar gear with wintery woods behind her.

Q&A with genetics and cell biology student Carson Carruthers

Carson Carruthers has spent her time at WSU gaining valuable research and building relationships she hopes will help get her accepted into a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program after she graduates in May. Originally from Vancouver, Washington, Carson is a genetics and cellular biology major on the pre-veterinary track.