Delaney Clem

Class: 2024
Residency: Oregon
Undergrad: Central Washington University
Ambassador: 2022-2023

What are your main areas of interest in the field of veterinary medicine?

  • Small animal
  • Clinical pathology
  • Parasitology

Extracurricular opportunities:

The hands on experience in the WIMU program is:

The hands-on experience here is phenomenal! I have extracted teeth, performed a tracheostomy, learned how to speak to clients, figured out a difficult case, completed multiple sutures, palpated a cow and more!

Deleaney Clem hugging a small dog.

What has been your favorite experience in vet school?

Diagnostic Challenge during my second year. You get to pretend to be a doctor for a week and it was really fun figuring out a case and talking to clients. You really get to see how far you have come!

Do you think the program has prepared you to be a veterinarian?

When talking to a veterinarian, she said “the medicine part is easy! Learning how to deal with people is the challenging part.” I think the communications class here has really prepared me how to talk to clients efficiently, which apparently, is a BIG part of the job.

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