Other labs, libraries, and facilities
Our faculty and students have access to extensive and modern WSU research labs, libraries, and facilities in molecular, material, chemical, and biochemical sciences.
A state-of-the-art X-ray crystallographic facilities for macromolecule structure determination is available for use by graduate students. Included are rotating anode generator with mirror optics, imaging plate, diffractomer, computer facilities, and graphics. The director of the BXR Center is ChulHee Kang. You can learn more from the website.
The newly-established Center for Institutional Research Computing (CIRC) is coordinating many of WSU’s research computing efforts. CIRC’s goal is to propel WSU into a position of national leadership in the field of research computing by unifying the research community around shared and strategic institutional goals. By leveraging cyber-infrastructure resources across the WSU system, CIRC is creating a regional computing hub that enhances research across all colleges and campuses.
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Laboratory is a central university facility that provides access to state-of-the-art NMR instrumentation. It is administered by the WSU Nuclear Science Center as a member of the Nuclear & Chemical Sciences (NUCS) Core Facility.
The Franceschi Microscopy and Imaging Center(FMIC) is a research and training facility for the study of biological and non-biological materials. The FMIC provides electron microscopy and light microscopy equipment for observation and analysis of a diverse array of specimens. Students, faculty, and staff can access the FMIC for formal and informal training, and for conducting research through flexible conditions designed to ensure success in acquiring and analyzing specimen images. The center offers courses in electron microscopy for graduate and undergraduate students each semester.
The FMIC maintains two TEMs, a STEM, a SEM and various light microscopes. Three of the electron microscopes also have EDX analyzers for elemental analysis. All necessary ancillary equipment, computers for image processing and analysis, and three photographic darkrooms are also maintained for student and faculty use. The center provides project consultation and has a skilled staff capable of assisting students and faculty in a wide range of research projects. Faculty and students are welcome to visit the FMIC located on the ground floor of Abelson Hall. Inquiries about services and courses offered or class tours of the facilities can be made by calling 509-335-3025.
The University’s modern seven-story Owen Science and Engineering Library is adjacent to the main chemistry and biochemistry facilities and contains extensive holdings in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical physics, and related fields. The library also provides access to national literature search and interlibrary loan services. The library is open 16 hours a day.
WSU’s Tissue Imaging and Proteomics Laboratory(TIPL) is a metabolomics- and proteomics-based facility that applies mass spectrometry-based technologies to significant biological problems. TIPL is a university service center that analyzes samples from a wide range of projects from across the different WSU campuses and from non-WSU clients. TIPL focuses on the development, advancement, and application of leading-edge instrumentation techniques for the large-scale profiling and identification of the functional products of gene expression, namely proteins and metabolites.