Jonathan Elissa

  1. Assistant Professor
  2. Avian Health & Food Safety
  3. Puyallup Branch Chief & Avian Pathologist


Dr. Jonathan Elissa is the WADDL-Puyallup branch chief. He specializes in avian pathology.

Dr. Elissa completed an avian medicine and pathology residency program at Pennsylvania State University, and earned his DVM from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Bachelor of Science in animal science from Michigan State University. He worked as a production veterinarian at a private egg farm in Wisconsin, focusing on production management diseases and pullet health and welfare. As a resident, he engaged in disseminating poultry health and management information to backyard communities and industry technical service staff.

Originally from the Midwest, he appreciates the stark landscape differences of the Pacific Northwest. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, cooking, jazz music, videogames, and spending time with his wife and two troublemaking cats, Cobalt and Ginkgo.