Q & A with neuroscience major Hannah Mouradian

Hannah Mouradian enjoying the snow on the WSU campus.

No matter where neuroscience student Hannah Mouradian finds herself, if she’s sporting her Coug gear she’s certain to get a ‘Go Cougs!’ “That type of belonging is hard to find, especially as a young adult still trying to find yourself,” she said. “I love that WSU gave me a second family and a place that I am proud to represent.” Hannah is on the early track to be a physician’s associate. While she isn’t sure which specialty she will focus on, she knows one thing: “I hope that I can make people feel better in the future!” 

Where are you from and where did you graduate high school?
I am from Reno, Nevada. I graduated from Damonte Ranch High School as the valedictorian of the class of 2019. I am majoring in neuroscience with a minor in psychology. I am on the pre-physician’s associate track, but I plan to take a gap year after I graduate from WSU to work a little and get my application for PA school all in order.

What are some of your favorite hobbies?
My favorite hobbies are pretty artistic in nature. I love to paint pottery and on canvas, although I will admit that I am not very good at freehand. I think art is underappreciated in the STEM careers, so I try to dabble in order to appreciate the work that people do outside of my field. I have taken up cross stitching recently, which is quite relaxing. I just finished a piece that has cacti in pots. The spikes were so hard! I have always crocheted since I was in middle school, and I have been successful in making a couple blankets. I don’t really have time to do it up in Pullman, though, with school and my job. All of my friends would also probably say I am a good baker and cook. I enjoy spending time in the kitchen, so I will say that cooking is a favorite pastime of mine as well.

What’s your favorite thing about WSU?
WSU seriously is my home away from home. I was drawn to go out of state to WSU because of the incredible culture and community that this school has created. I have traveled to many places (internationally and within the country) and without fail, if I break out the Coug gear, I will get a “Go Cougs!” no matter where I am. That type of belonging is really hard to find, especially as a young adult still trying to find yourself. I love that WSU gave me a second family and a place that I am proud to represent.

What’s your favorite course you’ve taken at WSU?
My favorite course at WSU so far was Abnormal Psych (Psych 333) or Neuroscience 301. The professor for Abnormal Psychology was Carrie Cuttler, and she just has so much background knowledge to share with each lecture that it made everything you learned very applicable and relatable. She also was so encouraging of us to be ourselves and have conversations in class, so each lecture was fun and engaging. She reached out to me after the course and helped me to join the WSU President’s Commission on the Status of Women, which I am so excited to be a part of. I loved the stories and culture that she as a professor created for the students.

Neuroscience 301 was taught by Ryan McLaughlin (he and Carrie are actually married). His class had a lot of the same aspects that I mentioned with Psych 333, but it did have more to do with my major. I really learned a lot from his class, and I enjoyed how he taught and his understanding with all of his students.

What’s a unique fun fact about you?
I have been a competitive swimmer since kindergarten, but I am deathly afraid of the open ocean. Literally, you cannot get me to look out a window if we are flying over the ocean, and I would not be caught dead on a cruise. It took a lot for me to go snorkeling with my family in Hawaii. My dad had to push me into the water off of the boat! Oddly enough though, my favorite animals are turtles.

What are your career goals?
I am hoping to become a physician’s associate in the future. I don’t know what specialty yet, but I have always loved children, so probably pediatrics or obstetrics. However, emergency medicine sounds like it would be fun, especially in a big city. It is nice that I don’t have to be certain with the PA path though, because the training is very broad and allows for switching in specialties. I hope that I can make people feel better in the future!

What’s one of your favorite things?
My dad’s chocolate chip cookies are literally some of the best things I have ever eaten. My cat, Beans, is the cutest, and chunkiest, thing in the world, and I miss her very dearly. Afternoon naps after class are a MUST. A car ride with a good playlist never fails to lift my spirits. My roommate who kept me sane this summer and last semester is on the favorites list. My friend from high school who never fails to somehow know when I need a little cheering up is near and dear to my heart.