Q&A with basic medical sciences student Trinity Wood

Trinity Wood holding a WSU flag while on a hike.

Trinity Wood is an advocate not only for women’s health, but sexual health. The WSU senior, who is pursuing a basic medical sciences degree, dedicates her time educating her fellow Cougs as a peer health educator for Coug Health, as she works toward her dream of becoming an OB/GYN. “It is a topic that many people veer away from because it can be awkward or uncomfortable to some, but I strive to break that stigma and really show others that it is just as important as any other aspect of medicine.”

Where are you from and where did you graduate high school?

I am from Okanogan, Washington, and graduated from Okanogan High School and Wenatchee Valley College – Omak in 2019. I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in basic medical science on the pre-med track and I am a senior here at WSU.

What are some of your favorite hobbies?

I love being outdoors and going on hikes and walks. I also am a huge Marvel fan and just movie fanatic in general, so in my spare time I am always having movie nights.

What’s your favorite thing about WSU?

My favorite thing about WSU is studying in the CUB and seeing all the students just doing their own thing. It is just so awesome and encouraging to see so many students independent in their own studies!

What’s your favorite course you’ve taken at WSU?

My favorite course that I have either taken is a toss up between Biology 107 with Dr. Davis or MbioS 305 with Dr. Mixter. Both of these classes, while difficult, really expanded my interest in science from two totally different perspectives. I learned so much from both professors and work closely alongside them both now outside of the classroom on campus as a lab assistant, teaching assistant and /club officer.

What’s a unique fun fact about you?

I am ambidextrous! I found from a super young age I could do things fairly consistently with both my hands and feet. I consider my right to be my dominant but can use my left for a lot, like playing guitar, shooting a gun or bow, or shooting a basketball.

What are your career goals? 

The ultimate end goal for me would be to complete medical school/residency and be an OB/GYN. I am a huge advocate for not only women’s health, but sexual health in general. I believe that it is a topic that many people veer away from because it’s awkward or uncomfortable, but I strive to break that stigma and really show others that it is just as important as any other aspect of medicine. You can catch me giving workshops around campus about sexual health through WSU’s Peer Health Educator program!.

What’s one of your favorite things?

My favorite thing, on the face of this Earth, would have to be music. I honestly do not know what I would do if music did not exist. It was such a huge part of my life growing up, but now it is a means of relaxing and focusing. Music helps calm me down after a long day as well as get me pumped up for a long day as I am walking to class!