Oncology – Vet Hospital

They call her Lucy Sunshine

When Tami first found out Lucy had nasal cancer, she said she couldn’t even think about it.  But the doctors told her even though it is bad news, it is not the worst news because they could still treat her.  They told her that Lucy has a lot of happy days ahead of her with treatment.

Portrait of Tami and Lucy. Lucy is wearing a Cancer Survivor scarf, sitting outside the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Radiation treatments give a Golden Retriever happy years

In the summer of 2008, while fishing near Juneau, Alaska, Dave and Eddylee Scott found a lump on the top of their 7-year old Golden Retriever’s head. They made a quick call back home to their veterinarian, Dr. Lance Campbell (’99 DVM), who advised them to take “Cassie” to a clinic in Juneau and have the lump removed. The Southeast Alaska Animal Medical Center removed the tumor—a benign multilobular tumor of the bone—but within 3 weeks the tumor returned.

Dave and Eddylee Scott, Heather Davis (‘09 DVM), and “Cassie” in the lobby at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.