Pet Memorial Program

A program to memorialize pets like Riley

A beautiful green hosta plant, full with bright and fragrant summer blooms, accentuates nine neatly placed stones in a corner of Jack Crossen’s backyard. The stones, Crossen says, represent the nine lives of cats and mark the final resting spot of his beloved ragdoll cat, Riley. “For weeks after he died, I would go out […]

A close-up photo of Riley's face set over a background of Hosta leaves.

Pet Memorial Program: Offering compassion to grieving pet owners

In March we proudly launched a new and improved Pet Memorial Program website so it would be even easier to express sympathy and compassion to grieving pet owners by memorializing a pet and submitting a story. Over the last 20 years, tens of thousands of beloved animals have been memorialized by donations made in their names from pet owners, family members, friends, and veterinarians.

Woman with her dog on the edge of a pond or river in autumn.