Giving Stories

A dog may once walk again thanks to the Good Samaritan Fund

On a Sunday morning in October 2012, Tara Johnson and her husband heard their dog “Juno,” a 4-year-old Husky, whimpering several yards from their house. They ran to find her lying on the ground not moving. Although they couldn’t see any bite marks through her fur, they did see saliva on her neck.

“That would be typical of a wolf attack,” said Johnson. “We’d had several wolf sightings near our house a few months before she was injured.”

Juno at a campground.

The Jessie Strickler Scholarship

A Writer Donates Book Proceeds to Veterinary Scholarship Whenever Jill Strickler walked into the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital with her dog “Jessie” they would always hear “Hi, Jessie Strickler” from a staff member behind the reception desk. “Jessie,” a blond Cocker Spaniel coming for cancer treatments, would give a quick bark in reply. “Jessie loved going there […]

After cancer treatment therapy dog has two more wonderful years

“Mia,” a bassador (Basset/Labrador mix) and therapy dog, was diagnosed with lymphoma in February 2012, just five months before her 10th birthday. She received several rounds of chemotherapy at the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital and is currently in remission. In July, Mia with her canine family members celebrated her birthday by feasting on meat and cream cheese cupcakes.

Mia, a tri-color, on the left, with her Basset Hound brother, Rudy.

Grateful Clients: Dave and Eddylee Scott

Two years earlier, the Scotts were referred to the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital by their veterinarian Dr. Lance Campbell (’99 WSU DVM) for a tumor on the top of their then 7-year old Golden Retriever’s head.  Cassie received surgery and radiation therapy, but the tumor returned 10 months later. With all standard options exhausted, Cassie […]

Grateful clients: Dave and Eddylee Scott helped raise over $20,000

Some friends throw the best parties. For two years in a row, our friends Dave and Eddylee Scott of Anacortes, Wash. threw a fabulous party to raise money for the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital. They hosted the first event in 2010, which raised nearly $7,000 to honor their dog “Cassie” and the veterinarians who cared for her when she was diagnosed with cancer.

Dave and Eddylee Scott, Heather Davis (‘09 DVM), and “Cassie” in the lobby at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Las Vegas singer raises over $5000 in “A Canine Christmas” musical show

Some people have really big hearts. When Dr. Jon Pennell (’81 DVM) made a donation to the Pet Memorial Program at WSU to honor a black lab named Gus who succumbed to cancer in 2010, Gus’ owner Jacquelyn Holland-Wright did something extraordinary–she put on a musical show. She invited everyone who had been involved with Gus personally […]

Good Samaritan Funds give a rescued puppy mill dog named Dancer a chance at a new life

“Dancer,” a 7-year-old Powder-puff Chinese Crested, wasn’t always as healthy and happy as she is today. She spent the first 6 years of her life in a puppy mill in Oregon. When she came to live with Tracy and her family in Idaho, all her toes were dislocated from being confined to a wire cage. Her teeth had rotted, she had a cyst, and an injured back.

“She was in such bad shape, we really debated if the journey to get well was worth the pain she would go through,” said Tracy.

"Dancer" with Misti Nuxoll ('12 DVM).

Class of 1961 pays it forward

The Amazing Class of ‘61 Pays it Forward with a Professionalism Endowment and Scholarship On May 28, 1961 forty-two men and one woman were awarded Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees from Washington State University. Graduation was held in Roger’s Field, the football stadium now known as Martin Stadium. Afterward the Veterinarian’s Oath was administered by […]

Our Caring Profession Award: Recognizing compassion for animals and people

Eight years ago, WSU faculty member and alumnus, Dr. John Mattoon and his wife Jennifer created the Our Caring Profession Award to recognize a veterinary student each year who most epitomizes the “gentle doctor.” Qualities like sincere compassion, caring for animals and people, excellence in mentoring and serving as a role model, expertise, humaneness, judgment, and understanding, are the things that make these recipients stand out.