Veterinary Clinical Sciences


There are three major groups of salmonella: host-specific (primarily infects one species of animal), host-adapted (can infect several species but are adapted to live in one), and unadapted serovars with no host preference 1. The foodborne pathogens we study are in the last two groups. Salmonella is a bacteria which causes a foodborne diarrheal illness in humans. […]

Foodborne disease overview

Primarily, we study the foodborne pathogens Escherichia coli O157:H7 (O157), Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium definitive type 104 (DT104), and Campylobacter jejuni. These bacteria inhabit the gastrointestinal tracts of a large variety of species. Water trough sediments, soil, and animal bedding can also harbor O157 and DT104. This wide range of habitats and reservoirs, ranging from stagnant ponds to insect guts […]

The role of feed and water in on-farm infection

A current study funded by an FDA grant traces the path of E. coli O157 and Salmonella on farms. Fecal, feed and water samples will be taken from 24 dairies over a 2-year period. These samples will be cultured for both E. coli O157 and Salmonella species. The prevalence of pathogens in the feed and water will be compared to […]

E. coli

Generic E. coli is a normal flora resident of the bovine gastrointestinal tract. It poses little danger as a foodborne disease. However, the O157 serotype of E. coli can be extremely dangerous to young, old, and immunocompromised individuals. E. coli O157 is a transient resident of cattle. It can be found on most cattle farms […]

Crooked calf – lupine induced arthrogryposis

Collaborative research FDIU and USDA PPRL Ut Overview Crooked calf is the colloquial name given to a pattern of congenital anomalies that occurs in the offspring of range-grazed cows in certain areas of the western United States. The anomalies are characterized by the presence of arthrogryposis (flexure of a joint) of the forelimbs typically involving […]

2022 Bustad Lecture: Dr. Megan Kiely Mueller

Megan Kiely Mueller, a psychologist at Tufts University, broke down the complexities behind human-animal interaction research Friday, March 25, 2022 at the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine Distinguished Bustad Lecture. Dr. Mueller’s research, which focuses on whether human‑animal interaction can support youth with social anxiety and help children thrive, looks to understand when […]

Dr. Megan Mueller teaching in March 2022, at the College of Veterinary Medicine.