Veterinary Teaching Hospital

A puppy mill dog’s new chance

For three days, “Leah,” a charcoal gray Cane Corso, or Italian Mastiff, with a white patch on her chest had not been breathing on her own. Hooked up to a ventilator in the intensive care unit of the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital, the machine delivered each breath to her weakened body. After so much time, her owner Holli Peters wasn’t sure Leah was going to pull through. “I thought about taking her off the ventilator, because her prognosis was not good,” she says. But on the fifth day, Leah started showing signs of improvement. She was starting to breathe on her own.

Holli, Linda, and Tandy with Leah the dog in the WSU veterinary teaching hospital intensive care.

Melle: The true story of a miraculous rescue, a helping hand, an extraordinary surgery, and the love for one dog

A few days after the New Year in 2014, Laurie Boukas of Richland, Washington, was walking her two Border Collies, Lucy and Connor, when she saw a Pontiac Trans Am drive by. Laurie, who had just moved to Richland a few weeks before with her husband, Nick, saw the car turn around and drive by again.

Frank Story and Laurie Boukas with Melle.

Theia: An incredible story of survival, hope, and compassion

Theia, an ownerless 1-year-old bully breed mix, came to the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital in March after being hit by a car, bludgeoned over the head with a hammer, and then buried in a field. She returned to Pullman weeks later to have surgery on her sinuses, which were badly damaged from the blows to her head.

(l-r) Sara Mellado, Theia’s caretaker; Theia; Dr. Boel Fransson; and Dr. Jade Hardy, WSU veterinary intern.