Grateful clients: Dave and Eddylee Scott helped raise over $20,000

Dave and Eddylee Scott, Heather Davis (‘09 DVM), and “Cassie” in the lobby at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Some friends throw the best parties. For two years in a row, our friends Dave and Eddylee Scott of Anacortes, Wash. threw a fabulous party to raise money for the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital. They hosted the first event in 2010, which raised nearly $7,000 to honor their dog “Cassie” and the veterinarians who cared for her when she was diagnosed with cancer.

Two years earlier, the Scotts were referred to the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital by their veterinarian Dr. Lance Campbell (’99 WSU DVM) for a tumor on the top of their then 7-year old Golden Retriever’s head. Cassie received surgery and radiation therapy, but the tumor returned 10 months later. With all standard options exhausted, Cassie began a Palladia (toceranib phosphate) regimen, a new cancer drug therapy, and pamidronate, an osteoporosis treatment in September 2009. These new therapies combined to keep her symptom-free and enjoying life.

The Scotts have continued their commitment to the WSU Teaching Hospital and to the medical staff who helped their beloved Cassie. They hosted their second event in 2011 raising $14,000 for the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Shortly after the 2011 event, Cassie finally lost her nearly 2-year battle with cancer.

Both Dave and Eddylee are exceedingly grateful for the exceptional care they received from everyone at the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital. So much so, they want to throw one more party.

“The caring, compassion, and professionalism of the entire WSU VetMed staff-the receptionist, students, doctors, and the Dean-formed the foundation of this enduring relationship with the Teaching Hospital,” said Dave Scott. ” We plan to help host another event in 2013.”

The Scotts are grateful clients of the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital and have helped to raise over $20,000 for the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine. To read more about Cassie, visit our Pet Memorial website.