Meet the Veterinary Teaching Hospital team: Cole Buser

Cole holding a salmon on river bank.

Cole Buser has been helping to ensure pets receive the best possible care at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital for the past two years in various positions, including in his current role as an office assistant in the hospital’s Business Office. Cole is from Farmington, New Mexico, and is a graduate of New Mexico State University, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture biology with minors in chemistry and pest management. Cole shares his life with his wife, Siena, a third-year WSU veterinary student, and their two cats.

Cole and his wife Siena in front of the Cougar statue on Stadium Way in Pullman.
Cole and Siena

What is your typical day like at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital?

My typical day at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital is never the same as the last. My main job duties are to assist our chief medical officer and chief operating officer with projects, scheduling, events, and anything else they may need. That is one of the main reasons I love this job is because of the diversity. I love to help wherever it may be throughout the hospital, knowing I can help with our productivity and growth. I do all I can to help support the students, interns, residents, faculty, and staff. They are the main reason I enjoy this job. Having animals at work is a giant bonus!

What made you want to work in veterinary medicine?

My then-girlfriend, and now my wife, was the one who helped me get my start in veterinary medicine. I’ve always loved animals, as I believe they bring great joy and happiness into our lives and become family very easily. Being part of a team whose main goal is to ensure they live long and healthy lives gives all the inspiration I need. If I can help our hospital as a whole to ensure these animals get all the care they need, including the hardworking doctors, students, and employees, then this is where I want to be.

What is your favorite thing about your job?

My favorite and most rewarding part of my job is helping our patients feel better by supporting our incoming fourth-year students, interns, residents, and faculty. I do my absolute best to try and help everyone’s days go a little smoother. It makes me feel great when I can help relieve stress and be part of the caregiving team.

What are your career goals?

My long-term career goals consist of working for one of my favorite fishing companies in either a management or design position. I really enjoy leading a team, making friendships, networking, and incorporating success for all. I never like to see anyone fail, and if I can help, I will.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work, I am a very avid outdoorsman. I spend the majority of my time competing in bass fishing tournaments around the country and recently I have taken up steelhead fishing. It is very new to me, but it has become one of my favorites. I enjoy spending time and adventuring with my wife and animals. During the fall and winter months, I hunt various game animals to provide food for my family and me.

What advice would you give to pet owners?

If I could give pet owners one piece of advice, it would be to obtain insurance for their best fur friends! It’s a great feeling to know, not if, but when emergencies happen, they will be covered. You do it for yourself and your family, why not all of your family? You can find many affordable options and even if you never have to use it, that’s the best possible outcome.