Q&A with biochemistry student Haley Morris

Haley Morris celebrating on Granite Mountain.

Haley Morris doesn’t listen to much music that came out after 1989 – and her favorite band is Queen!

From Issaquah, Washington, Haley loves to hike in Snoqualmie Pass, in particular, Bandera Summit and Granite Mountain. Currently a biochemistry student in the School of Molecular Biosciences, Haley plans to go on to obtain her doctorate and enter a field studying cancer therapeutics. 

What are some of your favorite hobbies?

I love to hike! During summers at home in Issaquah, I try to go on a couple of hikes every week. My favorites so far have been Granite Mountain and Bandera Summit, both in Snoqualmie Pass. When I am at school, I also like to go swimming at the WSU Recreation Center with my roommates.

What’s our favorite thing about WSU?

My favorite thing about WSU is the community. I’ve never experienced anything like it – everybody, from the students to the faculty to the residents, are extremely kind and welcoming. Not only that, nearly all of my professors and supervisors are invested in my success, and have helped me obtain many opportunities at WSU and to find my place here.

What’s your favorite course you’ve taken at WSU?

Tough question! If I had to pick one, I would say Introductory Biochemistry with Dr. Brosemer. Dr. Brosemer did a great job of keeping the class interesting by applying biochemistry to a bunch of real world concepts. He is also a great professor, and I looked forward to his class every time.

Fun fact about you?

I recently adopted a bunny from the humane society in Moscow. Her name is Lolly, and she definitely thinks she owns the house! My roommates and I call her Queen Lolly because she has us all wrapped around her finger (or would it be her paw?).

What are your career goals?

I plan to go straight to graduate school after my undergraduate and obtain my Ph.D. in biochemistry. After that, I want to enter a research career studying cancer therapeutics. Specifically, I am interested in how specific cell membrane proteins are related to cancer development and proliferation.