Raised in an Air Force family, Audrey Almeria has spent her life traveling and living all over the world, and she even graduated high school in Misawa, Japan. But she has found a home at Washington State University, where she is double majoring in psychology and neuroscience and will graduate this coming spring. When she leaves Pullman, Audrey hopes to attend medical school and pursue family medicine.
How has WSU prepared you for your future?
WSU has provided me with amazing opportunities to explore all my interests. The faculty at WSU have also been incredibly supportive of my goals.
What’s your favorite thing about WSU?
My favorite things about WSU are its culture and community. I feel a strong sense of belonging as a Coug that is rare to find elsewhere.
What’s your favorite course you’ve taken at WSU?
My favorite course I’ve ever taken at WSU must be PSYCH 265, the Biopsychological Effects of Alcohol and Other Drugs. This class laid the foundations for my understanding of the nervous system and how human beings are not necessarily the arbiters of their own behavior. The professor, Raymond Quock, was also very kind and informative. It’s a class I think everybody should take.
Do you have a job or work in a lab or somewhere else?
I work as a LAUNCH Ambassador. The program facilitates students’ early connection with, and involvement in, high-impact learning opportunities. I am also a co-chair of the PERIOD club and a volunteer in Dr. Schmitter-Edgecombe’s Neuropsychology and Aging Research Lab.
What’s one of your favorite things or favorite hobby?
One of my favorite hobbies is watching old arthouse films.
What’s a unique fun fact about you?
I love to cook comfort foods, like shakshuka, udon, and clam chowder.