Rebecca Burrato

Rebecca Buratto

Class: 2026
Residency: California
At what campus did you start the program? Pullman
Undergrad: University of Idaho
Ambassador: 2023-2024, 2022-2023

What are your main areas of interest in the field of veterinary medicine?

  • Small animal
  • Radiology
  • Integrative/rehabilitation
  • Mixed animal

Please list any clubs/organizations you are currently involved with:

  • Radiology club
  • Dental club
  • Shelter Medicine Club
  • Veterinary Business Management Association

What do you think makes our program special or unique?

I think our clinical skills lab is definitely something that makes our program unique. It is pretty cool being able to go practice our surgical skills, essentially whenever we want to. I also think the faculty and students that make up our program here at WSU are pretty special. Everyone involved in the CVM program wants all of the vet students to succeed. It is very a much a tight knit community.

Rebecca with a small border collie who is wearing a cone.

WIMU faculty are:

Very kind and helpful! They are always willing to offer advice and provide assistance to any students that ask for help. They really want all of us students to succeed!

What is the most challenging aspect about starting vet school?

Maintaining a good school/life balance. It is very easy to get caught in the mindset of I need to study 24/7, but try your best not to do that! Make sure to set time aside to do the things you love outside of vet school! It may feel like you are wasting precious study time, but trust me you aren’t. There is enough time to both study and have a little fun too!