Cardiology – Vet Hospital

A large screen TV monitor makes teaching and learning easier

Students can now watch ultrasounds, radiographs (or x-rays), and other procedures more easily thanks to a new large screen TV monitor from a generous friend of the college. Before the WSU cardiology group received the monitor, veterinary students crowded around a small computer screen or viewing window. Now students can view procedures more easily and more students can watch procedures at the same time. Students will also be able to watch medical procedures, such as fluoroscopy, in real time.

Students looking at the monitor.

A portable echocardiograph makes heart diagnosis possible in remote locations

Patients at WSU’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital can now receive on-location cardiovascular diagnosis thanks to a new portable echocardiograph from a generous friend of the college.

“We are very grateful to have this machine.” said Dr. Lynne Nelson, a WSU veterinary cardiologist. “This echo is the latest, state-of-the-art, portable machine. Because it is portable, we can take it to a sick horse, kitten, or any animal.”

Researchers with Kio, a grizzly bear.