Microbiology Program

Undergraduate students receive $61,000 in 2024–25 research fellowship funding

Forty WSU undergraduates engaged in mentored research have received fellowships to support their research, scholarship, and creative activity for the coming academic year.

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Q&A with microbiology major Mikayla McClintock

Microbiology major Mikayla McClintock is a member of the Honors Pre-Admit Program in Veterinary Medicine in which students can gain early admission to the College of Veterinary Medicine’s DVM professional program and become a veterinarian in only seven years. Mikayla is from Billings, Montana, and she hopes to return to her home state once she wraps up veterinary school.

WSU students receive Goldwater Scholar awards

Jacob Buursma and Stevie Fawcett received awards from the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program to cover tuition, fees, and books as well as room and board.

L-R, Jacob Buursma and Stevie Fawcett.

Q&A with microbiology student Katherine Callender

When Katherine Callender graduates this spring with a degree in microbiology, the Poulsbo, Washington, native hopes to find a position as a medical scribe and eventually apply to medical school. How has WSU prepared you for your future? WSU has helped me to improve my communication and time management skills. During my first semester, WSU […]

Katherine on the WSU "Butch" statue outside Martin Stadium.

Q&A with microbiology student Alison Dockery

Microbiology major Alison Dockery dreams of one day becoming a small animal veterinarian, and she will be one step closer to that goal when she graduates from WSU this spring. Dockery moved from Dublin, Ireland, to the United States in 2011 and later graduated high school from Sammamish, Washington. She is majoring microbiology and is on the pre-veterinary track.