WSU’s Captain Clayton Mickelsen is memorialized with a scholarship to the College of Veterinary Medicine

Stationed as a veterinarian in the Philippines during World War II, WSU alumnus U.S. Army Captain Clayton Mickelsen (’39 DVM) cared for more than 1,600 mules and horses, essential for the war effort. But it was his acts of bravery during the war that earned him the Distinguished Service Cross. In 1944, Mickelsen was one of 11,796 Americans who surrendered to the Japanese and spent the remainder of his life in a prison camp. He died on February 10, 1945, just weeks before the camp was liberated by U.S. forces.

Portrait of Captain Mickelsen in his dress military uniform, and high DVM graduation photo.
Mickelsen Lounge in Bustad Hall was dedicated in 1988. The above portrait hangs in the lounge named in his honor.

Mickelsen’s legacy lives on in every student who receives the Captain Clayton Mickelsen Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship was started by his cousin, Russell Mickelsen and his wife Pat, to help veterinary students with financial need. “Clayton’s choice to become a veterinarian was a dream come true for him,” said Russell Mickelsen. “Our entire family has always been animal lovers. We want to assist students toward their goal of becoming a veterinarian.”

Russell Mickelsen, who is now deceased, will be recognized in the fall of 2018 as a benefactor by the WSU Foundation. His wife Pat will accept the honor on his behalf.

Give now to the Captain Clayton Mickelsen Memorial Endowment Fund.