Undergraduate Education

Q&A with genetics and cell biology student Bayley McDonald

Bayley McDonald is a genetics and cell biology major in the School of Molecular Bioscience and is a member of the college’s prestigious accelerated degree program, Students Targeted toward Advanced Research Studies (STARS), in which students can earn a PhD in as little as seven years after graduating high school.

Q&A with neuroscience student Peter Yunker

Peter Yunker is a junior in Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience pursuing a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience with a pre-medicine track. Peter has spent recent summers in Alaska working as a commercial fisherman, but when he graduates in the winter of 2023, he hopes to head to medical school.

Neuroscience student Peter Yunker holds a WSU flag in a research lab on campus.

Q&A with microbiology student Sarah Wright

Sarah Wright is a microbiology major in the School of Molecular Biosciences who is on track to graduate in the spring of 2023. Like many students in the College of Veterinary Medicine, she has taken advantage of the unique opportunity to gain experience in the laboratory setting as an undergraduate.

Sarah working the a lab.

WSU biochemistry student studies genetic disease to help people like her father

Washington State University student Taylor Moore’s father has for decades suffered the debilitating effects of intervertebral disc degeneration, a condition characterized by the breakdown of one or more discs in the spine, causing chronic pain in the back or neck. “He looks normal, but he can’t do the normal things that other people can do,” […]

Taylor Moore standing in a field of red tulips.

A Doctor of Medicine, after all

There have been moments of wavering – like when he considered a career in bioengineering – and doubts – especially when it appeared he wouldn’t be accepted into medical school – but Blake Cohoe has always returned to his childhood dream of becoming a doctor. Cohoe, a graduate of Washington State University’s School of Molecular […]

Blake, in his scrubs, giving a happy thumbs-up.

Young microbiology major stars in the lab

As a student in the STARS and MARC programs, microbiology major Natasha Puzon finds herself in a state-of-the-art laboratory working to determine the effectiveness of a promising antibody against a deadly species of hantavirus.

Natasha Puzon in a lab.