WSU alumnus Jeff Abbott taking over the DC reins from Steve Hines

Dr. Jeff Abbott standing outside the college on a summer day.

Jeff Abbott (’97 DVM, ’04 Ph.D.) is returning to WSU after 16 years at the University of Florida to be the new director of the Diagnostic Challenge.  His return was driven by his love of teaching and the opportunities for innovative teaching and education research at WSU. At the University of Florida, he received Teacher of the Year awards six times.

In addition to the Diagnostic Challenge, he will teach immunology in the veterinary curriculum and work in the Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory as a Pathologist.  Dr. Abbott received his DVM, PhD, and finished his Anatomic Pathology Residency here at WSU.

Steve Hines co-created the Diagnostic Challenges nearly 30 years ago to give veterinary students practice with real-world medical cases.