Giving Stories

WSU Alumni Give Back to a School that Gave Them Everything

After earning his DVM in 1980, Kyle interned in Santa Cruz, California, and then bought his practice in nearby Los Gatos. Over the years it has grown into a thriving practice. Crediting much of his success to his time at WSU, Kyle wanted to give back to the school and community that meant so much […]

Dr. Betsy Charles

It didn’t take long for Betsy Charles (’95 BS Education, ’95 BS Sciences, ’03 DVM) to give back to the college that had given her so much. After she earned her DVM in 2003, Betsy completed a one year internship at an equine referral hospital. The very next year she began coming back to WSU […]

Meet a big-hearted supporter, Anita Busek

“She was always the kind of person who felt strongly about anyone or anything that couldn’t take care of themselves,” said John Brenneis, a Seattle-based architect and Anita’s nephew. “She always cared for the underdog.” For Anita, who had no children of her own, her dogs were her family. She had a rescue animal dog […]

Grateful Clients: Russell and Noel Vance

So grateful for the care Ninja received, Russ, and his wife, Noel, included the College of Veterinary Medicine in their estate plans—a gift valued today at around $1 million.  “Our gift is a reflection of the way we were treated at WSU,” said Russ. “Everyone—the doctors, students, main desk— all were totally wonderful to me.” […]

Dr. William and Margaret (Love) McAndrew

Dr. William and Margaret (Love) McAndrew led the way in spirit, talent and enterprise. A Harvard graduate, “Dr. Bill” was a humble and skilled surgeon in the NW and very much a WSU supporter. He was a donor, dreamer and doer, displaying these capacities through his heart for helping others. His dedication extended to athletic […]

Rattlesnake Ridge Riders, Inc.

The Rattlesnake Ridge Riders, Inc. is a local chapter of the Backcountry Horsemen of Washington (BCHW) and Back Country Horsemen of America. Our purpose is to perpetuate the recreational use of equines on our public lands. We provide significant volunteer work to various government and private agencies for trail development and maintenance, campsite development, fence […]

A lifesaving amputation gives a dog a fighting chance

Wrigley was an active, loyal, outgoing dog. One fall day after running on the beach at Point No Point near Hansville, Wash., Greg B. noticed Wrigley was limping. Worried that he had sprained his leg or had a torn ligament, Greg contacted his friend, Dr. Jerry Demuth, at Summit Veterinary Referral Center who suggested he bring him in for an x-ray.

“All the signs pointed to osteosarcoma,” said Greg. Two days later his veterinarian did a bone biopsy and the next day it was confirmed that Wrigley had bone cancer.

Wrigley and Greg in the veterinary teaching hospital lobby.

An adopted tabby’s new lease on life

Roya Eshragh and Gyan Harwood of Vancouver, British Columbia, wanted a cat. So they did what many animal lovers do; they went to their local shelter to adopt an older animal in need of a home. They fell in love with an orange tabby and named him “Chester” (he had previously been called “Cheetoh,” but they thought he looked more like a “Chester”). On January 30, 2012—Chester’s adoption day—his life changed forever.

Chester lying on a WSU cougar pillow.