Giving Stories

A Veterinary Couple’s Commitment to End Rabies

John and Rachel Clark are driven to prevent rabies in Africa, a disease that kills tens of thousands of children worldwide each year. So driven, in fact, for the past two years they have packed up their now 4- and 8-year-old children to host canine rabies vaccination clinics in Malawi, East Africa, where John was born and raised.

“I saw an article about Rabies Free Africa in the HuffPost featuring Dr. Guy Palmer,” says John. “I sent a note to Rachel that said, ‘This is what I want to do!’”

Rachel Clark standing in the middle of about 3 dozen children.

Investing in our students

Beth Davidow has seen a lot of changes to the veterinary profession since she graduated from Cornell nearly 25 years ago. But the biggest change, she says, is the amount of debt today’s veterinary students carry when they graduate.

Josh standing in front of the WSU veterinary teaching hospital.

Grateful Clients: Barb and Joe Mendelson

But that wasn’t their first gift.  After their dog, Scout, received treatment from Dr. John Oplinger (’79 DVM) at Wickenburg Veterinary Clinic in Arizona, the Mendelsons asked what they could do to help the profession. Dr. Oplinger asked them to give to his alma mater. They started a cancer research fund made in their dog’s name […]

$2.2 million gift creates School of Molecular Biosciences graduate fellowships

A $2.2 million gift from the estate of Bernadine and James Seabrandt will create the Bernadine Fulfs Seabrandt Graduate Fellowship in Molecular Biosciences at Washington State University’s School of Molecular Biosciences. This is the largest private gift received by the program since its founding in 1998. The fellowship will be awarded to graduate students who are focused […]