College News

Does Zika Virus cause birth defects in Africa?

On a typical day, the maternal and child health unit at Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, will be bustling with dozens of pregnant women waiting to be attended by the doctor and find out how their babies were progressing. For the women, this is a reassuring monthly routine in a country with high numbers of maternal and infant deaths. Besides the maternal and neonatal deaths, a worry which occupies the pregnant women is the possibility of a baby born with birth defects.

WSU rabies vaccination teams reach one million dogs in East Africa

Working with African governments and building on international and local partnerships, Washington State University’s Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health is developing the next strategies for the elimination of rabies as a human health threat.

Boys walking multiple dogs on leashes.

Partnering with Veterinarians and Clients to End Rabies

Beginning in the summer of 2015, the Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health is partnering with veterinary clinics and their clients to eliminate rabies as a public health problem worldwide. The goal is zero human deaths by 2030. “We are partnering with veterinary clinics around the country because together we can do more […]

Boy carrying two puppies after they have been vaccinated. There is a long line waiting for vaccines behind him.