Crimson background with a caduceus on the right side.
Veterinary Continuing Education
Fall Conference
Fall 2024 | 3 CE credits

Fall Conference

Fall Conference, October 26, 2024
9 AM – 12 noon

Join us in person or online via Zoom beginning at 9 AM for this hybrid 3-hour CE event. This is a non-football weekend to make parking easier. There will be a large and small animal track, with light and fun, case-based presentations. We encourage veterinarians, technicians, and assistants to attend.

Fees: Veterinarian – $25, technicians – $15, and assistants – $5

This program is approved for 3 hours of continuing education credit. Registration is from 8:30-9:00 AM in the Animal Disease Biotechnology Facility (ADBF) lobby.

Small animal track:

Location: Bustad Hall 145

  • 9 AM – It’s Pumpkin Time (Oncology) Join Dr. Janean Fidel to go over a mysterious oncology case
  • 10 AM – Aww, Nuts! How to Spay and Neuter Your Exotic Patient! by Dr. Marcie Logsdon
    Ever wonder how to neuter a sugar glider, flank ovariectomize a guinea pig, or castrate a kangaroo? Then this is the lecture for you! During this talk we will cover spay and neuter techniques, medication protocols, and anesthesia for many common exotic pet species.
  • 11 AM – Myths and Misconceptions in Small Animal Anesthesia/Analgesia by Dr. Lais Malavasi
    During the clinical routine we get phone calls or even in person consultations from colleagues and staff regarding anesthesia and analgesia protocols or even troubleshooting complications during specific cases. These conversations are a great way to learn new techniques from others but also to debunk some myths and misconceptions in small animal anesthesia and analgesia. During this lecture it will be discussed some of these common misconceptions or outdated ideas that can be found in small animal anesthesia.

Large animal track:

Location: Animal Disease Biotechnology Facility (ADBF) 1002

  • 9 AM – Cytology in Practice: an Interactive Case Discussion by Dr. Mara Varvil
    In this session we will discuss basic hematology and cytology evaluation in a variety of species, both equine and agricultural, using cases seen by the WSU VTH Clinical Pathology service. We will walk through the basics on how to approach evaluating a slide, discuss common findings, and practice the slide evaluation skills together in an interactive setting. The focus of this session is to develop and refresh skills that can be used within a practice setting.
  • 10 AM – From Sunbathing to Udderly Confusing: Ag Animal Cases and Insights by Dr. Jennifer Sexton
    In this lecture we will reiterate the importance of Vitamin D supplementation, decode the mystery of a small ruminant precocious udder, and tackle the challenge of Mycoplasma haemolamae.
  • 11 AM – Mineral Tales by Dr. Chelsea Sykes
    We will be going over Copper, Zinc, and Selenium with case studies to evaluate clinical signs for deficiencies and toxicoses, testing strategies, and treatment options. We will conclude with some strategies for planning a herd mineral status evaluation and ways to maximize mineral supplementation.

Questions about the Fall Veterinary CE event?

 Contact us via email or at 509-335-1198 or contact program coordinator Katy Heaton or 509-335-8221.