
From WSU to the Mayo Clinic: my summer as an undergraduate research fellow

by Pierce Claassen, a microbiology undergraduate student in the WSU School of Molecular Biosciences Walking quickly through an underground tunnel that stretches nearly a half mile, I carried samples frozen on dry ice between two buildings on the Mayo Clinic campus to be tested as part of a clinical study on irritable bowel syndrome, or […]

Pierce sitting on the steps next to a statue outside the clinic.

WSVMA Faculty Member of the Year Awards – 2018

The Washington State Veterinary Medical Association has awarded the 2018 WSU Faculty Member of the Year Award to WSU’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s Cardiology team. The award is presented to WSU faculty members who have served members of the WSVMA with distinction. The veterinary cardiology team includes technician Raychel Fairchild, resident Dr. Christina Plante, cardiologist Dr. Lynne Nelson, and cardiologist Dr. Pamela M. Lee. 

Left to right are cardiology technician Raychel Fairchild, cardiology resident Dr. Christina Plante, cardiologist Dr. Lynne Nelson, and cardiologist Dr. Pamela M. Lee.

SMB Tenure/Promotion Dr. Jon Oatley, Dr. Rey Carabeo, and Dr. Mary Sanchez-Lanier

CONGRATULATIONS! Three SMB faculty members have been awarded tenure or promoted, effective July 1, 2018. Please join us in congratulating: Dr Jon Oatley has been promoted to full professor Dr. Rey Carabeo has been granted tenure (at his current rank of associate professor) Dr. Mary Sanchez-Lanier has been promoted to full professor in the non-tenured, […]