
Meet the Rabies Free Africa team: Dr. Imam Mzimbiri

Dr. Imam Mzimbiri is the rabies project manager in Tanzania Where do you live?  Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Why is it important to eliminate rabies?  It is important to eliminate rabies because it’s a killer disease in humans, livestock, and wildlife in Tanzania. Have you known anyone who has died from rabies?  Yes, I have known […]

Dr. Imam Mzimbiri standing next to a white Land Rover with Rabies Free Africa signage on it.

Tomorrow’s Scientists: Matthew Mietchen

A student in the Individual Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health, Matthew’s research in Dr. Eric Lofgren’s lab is focused on mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, specifically the transmission of healthcare-associated infections like methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, in both hospital and community settings.  “I’m primarily interested in studying […]

Matthew Mietchen with his wife and 2 dogs.